Friday, October 19, 2012

Didn't start school as planned!

For those that know and those that don't... I was supposed to start school on October 8th for the nail tech program.

I showed up at school all ready to go, walked in and was the only one there. I thought it was odd and wondered if I was late, though I was sure I was early.

FUNNY story... I wasn't late, I was in fact EARLY. Yup, I was early by approximately a month! HAHA

I didn't know that though. I had gone in on the 25th of September to fill out paperwork and that showed the start date of the 8th of October.

Little did I know and the person that was doing the admissions paperwork that they moved the class start date to November 5th. SURPRISE!

It turned out to be a blessing in disguise in more ways than one. It has allowed me time to get used to working and get familiar with how things are going to be when I start school. It has also made it possible for me to do Boo at the Zoo with my children and go Trick or Treating on Halloween with them too. SUPER WIN!

I'm so excited to be able to do both of those things this year. We've never done Boo at the Zoo as we've not been close enough to a zoo to participate before. We're in a new neighborhood this year for Trick or Treating so I'm anxious to see how it will go. I am pretty sure the kids will have a good time. They both know how to say, "Trick or Treat"!

Good things are happening and I couldn't be happier!

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