Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Smoothie? Protein Shake?

What is your all time favorite smoothie recipe?

I'm looking for some smoothie recipes that are affordable and tasty! So, please share any that you have liked.

I'm on a kick to be healthier and more organized and I feel this will help with the best of both worlds. : )

What about your favorite protein shake mix?

Again looking for something that is tasty and affordable.

I am on a budget after all and a protein shake is not a necessity. I would definitely like to be able to have one every couple days though!

If you have any other healthy tips you'd like to share, please feel free!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Can't live without?

What are the items currently in your life that you could NOT live without for a week?

What about items you couldn't live without for a month?

Picture your future plans to move, you would be only able to take what you absolutely HAVE TO HAVE.

What would your items include?

Aside from your clothing, personal hygiene products etc what would you NOT be able to leave behind?